Windows Remote Desktop - Help

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To connect to an available ECF Windows Lab workstation, connect your Remote Desktop client to, where Your-ECF-Username is your ECF username. Make sure you include the domain @WIN after your ECF username (e.g., Your-ECF-Username@WIN) when supplying the username to your RDP client. Leave the "Domain" field blank when doing this: specifying "@WIN" after your username is sufficient.

Note: Previously, we recommended that you bookmark this site and always use its links to assign an available workstation. We have simplified the process so that you no longer need to visit this site every time you want to connect: the hostname will always connect you to an available host, provided there is one.

You can also create a customized RDP file that will always connect you to an available workstation by following these steps:

You may need to install a Remote Desktop client in order to connect. Microsoft Remote Desktop can be downloaded from the Mac App Store.

Note: If you get the message

Remote Desktop Connection cannot verify
the identity of the computer that you want
to connect to.

Try reconnecting to the Windows-based computer, or
contact our administrator.
then you are running the older Remote Desktop Connection client, which cannot communicate with our remote workstations; you will need to upgrade to Microsoft Remote Desktop.

We recommend using Firefox to access the ECF Remote Desktop page (because Safari does not support opening RDP files directly).

When you click on a workstation, Firefox will ask you what to do with the RDP file:

You have chosen to open: RD08.rdp; What should Firefox do with this file?

Click OK to open the file with the default application, which should be Microsoft Remote Desktop.

Note: When you run this file, you may be prompted to verify the certificate of the RDP host you are connecting to:

You are connecting to RDP host you want to continue?

Click Continue to connect to the host. You will then be presented with the ECF login screen.

Q: Can I access my home computer's disk drives and printers from the ECF Windows Remote Desktops?

Yes, but it requires some additional steps. Rather than double-clicking the RDP file, you will need to import its settings into Microsoft Remote Desktop, edit the settings as described below, and use that saved connection when you wish to connect.

  1. Import settings from the RDP file:
    • From the menu bar: "Connections" → "Import from RDP file..."; or
    • Using the gear icon at the top of the window → "Import from RDP file..." (Fig. 1):
    • Fig. 1Fig. 1
  2. Look for the downloaded RDP file (it will usually be in your "Downloads" folder) and click "Import" (Fig. 2):Fig. 2Fig. 2
  3. Click the pencil icon at the top right corner of the RD icon (Fig. 3). The pencil icon will appear when you put the mouse cursor over the RD icon.Fig. 3Fig. 3
  4. Edit the settings:
    • (Optional) If you wish to modify the display settings for the connection, select the "Display" tab (Fig. 4):
      Fig. 4Fig. 4
    • Select the types of local devices (printers, clipboard, etc.) you want to make available to the Remote Desktop session at "Devices & Audio" tab (Fig. 5):
      Fig. 5Fig. 5
    • Select the "Folders" tab (Fig. 6):
      Fig. 6Fig. 6
      1. Check the box for "Redirect Folders" and click the "+" button (Fig. 7):
        Fig. 7Fig. 7
      2. Find and select a local folder that you want to redirect (connect to Remote Desktop), then click "Open" (Fig. 8):
        Fig. 8Fig. 8

        If there are any additional folders that you want to redirect, click the "+" button again (Fig. 7, above) and repeat this step.

      3. Click the "Save" button (Fig. 9):
        Fig. 9Fig. 9
  5. You can now connect to the Remote Desktop by double-clicking the RD icon (Fig. 10).
    Fig. 10Fig. 10